Keeping it Natural, Aging with Grace

A common concern many of my clients have during their consultations is that they don’t want to look like they’ve had “work done.”

Almost always in these discussions one of the Real Housewives from somewhere is brought up! There is a lot of misinformation in the media, and obtaining reliable, trusted information about these treatments can be difficult. The truth of the matter is that Aesthetic Medicine treatments when used appropriately and conservativelyallow us to continue looking natural with the overall goal of aging gracefully.

Setting realistic and achievable goals with these treatments is important. The goal is to have a more refreshed and rejuvenated look. People will wonder “Did you do something different with your hair?Or did you get a facial?” You will look great to them, but they won’t be able to figure out why. It is an unrealistic expectation to want to look like we are twenty years old again. Those who are attempting this are at greater risk of taking these treatments too far, resulting in a significantly more unnatural or “fake” looking result.

Taking a gradual approach to facial rejuvenation is also very important. With dermal filler treatments, I prefer to create a foundation in the first session, replacing the deep volume loss that hasoccurred over the years. In subsequent sessions, I am able to sculpt and lift more, building upon the previous treatments in a more precise manner. Over the years I have noticed that taking this gradual approach allows for more natural-looking results, while maximizing the treatment potential of each session.

To achieve natural-looking results, it is also essential to create balance. A client may come to me requesting only dermal filler for shadows around the mouth. Replacing the volume in this region only will create an unnatural fullness in the mid-region of the face, often a clear “giveaway” that the client had work done. Meanwhile upon further observation, it can be seen that the real issue is the significant volume loss in the cheeks and chin. Indeed, cheek augmentation is one of the most common treatments that I perform, and almost invariably provides a natural-looking lift and rejuvenation.

Aesthetic Medicine treatments are a safe and effective way to rejuvenate as we age over time. In my practice, setting realistic expectations and goals, approaching the treatments gradually, and creating balance in the face have allowed my clients to enjoy natural-looking results.

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